BlogGoHighLevel CRM

How GoHighLevel Transformed Jamie Roussel’s Agency



In the competitive world of corporate real estate, Jamie Roussel, First Vice President at CBRE, understands the critical importance of efficient lead generation and strategic client engagement. Despite his team’s proven expertise, they faced challenges with fragmented workflows and high expenses. Enter GoHighLevel – a solution promising to revolutionize lead generation of Real Estate Agents. Let’s explore how GoHighLevel transformed Jamie’s agency, paving the way for unprecedented success.

Customer Profile:

  • Name: Jamie Roussel
  • Company: CBRE
  • Position: First Vice President at CBRE
  • Location: Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Area

About Jamie Roussel:

Jamie Roussel spearheads a dynamic team at CBRE, delivering comprehensive tenant advisory services to national and international corporate real estate occupiers. With a focus on the industrial and logistics segment, Jamie and his team provide strategic planning, transaction management, data management, and process-driven portfolio optimization. Their expertise serves a diverse set of distribution, manufacturing, and F&B clients, positioning CBRE as the single point of contact for all their real estate needs. Over the past three years, Jamie’s team has successfully advised numerous corporate clients on over 100 projects in 34 markets, totaling an impressive 12 million square feet and $1.1 billion in total contract value.

Specialties: Real Estate Agents

Occupier Solutions, Corporate Account Management, Transaction Management, Tenant Advisory

Challenges: Real Estate Agents

Solutions: Real Estate Agents

  • Discovered GoHighLevel as a comprehensive solution for lead generation.
  • Implemented GoHighLevel to streamline workflows and consolidate tools.
  • Leveraged GoHighLevel’s features to meet Jamie’s specific requirements, including customization and scalability.

How GoHighLevel Helped: Real Estate Agents

  • Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: GoHighLevel’s all-in-one platform streamlined Jamie’s workflow, saving time and reducing costs by consolidating multiple expenses.
  • Customization and Scalability: Go High Level versatile features allowed Jamie to tailor the platform to his agency’s unique needs, ensuring optimal performance and scalability as his business grows.
  • Improved Lead Generation: With GoHighLevel’s robust lead generation capabilities, Jamie was able to reach and engage with potential clients more effectively, resulting in increased conversions and business opportunities.

Outcome: Real Estate Agents

Jamie Roussel’s experience with GoHighLevel has been nothing short of transformative. By addressing his challenges and providing effective solutions, GoHighLevel has empowered Jamie to revolutionize his agency’s lead generation efforts. Jamie now confidently recommends GoHighLevel to others in the industry, recognizing its potential to drive success and growth for their businesses.

Conclusion: Real Estate Agents

In the competitive world of corporate real estate, staying ahead requires innovative solutions. Jamie Roussel’s partnership with Go High Level exemplifies the power of technology to revolutionize lead generation and drive business success. As Jamie continues to lead CBRE to new heights, GoHighLevel remains a trusted ally, empowering him to achieve his goals and exceed expectations in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate.

Spandana Andela
About author


Meet Spandana Andela, a remarkable individual who wears multiple hats with finesse. As an AI Copywriter and Engineer, she navigates the intersection of technology and storytelling, creating a unique fusion that captivates audiences. Beyond her professional pursuits, Spandana is also a passionate storyteller, weaving narratives that resonate on a personal level. What sets her apart is not only her expertise but also her role as a mother, adding depth and richness to her experiences. Dive into the world of Spandana Andela, where innovation, creativity, and the joys of motherhood converge in a truly inspiring journey.
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