SaaS Growth Strategy

Strategy to Impact: 5 Stages to Secure Your First 100 SaaS Users

Five Stages to Secure Your First 100 SaaS Users

They emphasize the importance of 5 Stages to Secure Your First 100 SaaS Users cash flow to sustain the company’s growth. The speaker suggests charging higher prices than usual to create a better product and provide excellent customer support. The process starts with defining the target price point and creating an irresistible offer. Surveys and networking are used to gather information and validate the product idea. Leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter is recommended for reaching out to potential customers and building an email list.

After fully launching the product, shift the focus to understanding and addressing tangential issues that users may encounter, enhancing the value of the SaaS. Emphasize the importance of building a robust customer community through email and social media to ensure customer retention and loyalty.

Struggling to build sustainable systems? Don’t fret! Let’s chat, and I’ll provide expert guidance tailored to your business. Together, we’ll achieve remarkable growth! 💼💬 connect here

Introduction: 5 Stages to Secure Your First 100 SaaS Users

Acquiring the first 100 users for a SaaS company is a pivotal milestone that requires a well-thought-out strategy. In this blog post, we will delve into a comprehensive bootstrapped approach that will guide you from humble beginnings to achieving a steady stream of satisfied customers. Each stage is designed to foster growth, create hype, and build lasting relationships with your target audience.

Let’s dive into the 5 Stages to Secure Your First 100 SaaS Users of this powerful method that will lead your SaaS venture to success.

Stage 1:

Humble Beginnings – Leveraging Personal Networks and Referrals

At the outset, it’s crucial to focus on your immediate network and connections. Reach out to friends, colleagues, and industry professionals who could be potential users of your SaaS solution. Identify target groups on platforms like LinkedIn and engage with communities related to your product’s niche. This stage is all about validating your product idea and understanding your potential customer’s pain points.

Stage 2:

Building an Irresistible Offer – The Power of Surveys and Online Presence

Gather insights from your network using surveys, social media postings, and online interactions to fine-tune your pricing strategy. A higher-than-expected price can position your product as a premium solution, elevating its perceived value. Craft an irresistible offer emphasizing the unique benefits of your SaaS to captivate potential users.

Stage 3:

Creating FOMO with a Waitlist – Driving Demand and Value

Before diving into the development phase, create a waitlist for interested users. This generates a sense of urgency and exclusivity around your product. People who missed out on the initial launch will be more eager to join, increasing demand organically. Use email marketing to provide value to those on the waitlist, share user testimonials, and keep them engaged with your product’s development process.

Stage 4:

Fuel on the Fire – Leveraging Social Media and Webinars

At this point, your audience is growing, and it’s time to expand your reach even further. Leverage social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to build hype around your product. Host webinars that provide valuable insights related to your SaaS and subtly introduce your solution as the answer to the attendees’ challenges. The key is to focus on providing value and avoiding a pushy sales approach.

Stage 5:

Unleashing the Power of Feedback – Growing from 50 to 100+ Users

After launching your SaaS, actively collect user feedback to pinpoint areas for improvement and identify additional features that can enhance value. Strive to address tangential issues users might encounter, further solidifying the indispensability of your SaaS. Foster loyalty and retention by establishing a robust customer community through engaging emails and social media interactions.


Acquiring your first 100 users for a SaaS company can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. By following this bootstrapped approach, you can build a solid foundation, create excitement around your product, and establish lasting relationships with your customers. Remember to focus on value, foster engagement, and continuously seek feedback to grow and scale your SaaS venture. With determination, strategic planning, and a commitment to excellence, you can achieve remarkable success in the competitive SaaS landscape.

Watch the video on “Acquire your first 100 users” by Dan Taro for a deeper understanding.

Struggling to build sustainable systems? Don’t fret! Let’s chat, and I’ll provide expert guidance tailored to your business. Together, we’ll achieve remarkable growth! 💼💬 connect here

Spandana Andela
About author


Meet Spandana Andela, a remarkable individual who wears multiple hats with finesse. As an AI Copywriter and Engineer, she navigates the intersection of technology and storytelling, creating a unique fusion that captivates audiences. Beyond her professional pursuits, Spandana is also a passionate storyteller, weaving narratives that resonate on a personal level. What sets her apart is not only her expertise but also her role as a mother, adding depth and richness to her experiences. Dive into the world of Spandana Andela, where innovation, creativity, and the joys of motherhood converge in a truly inspiring journey.
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